“About the correspondence of the Prichudye Old Believers: the list from the record 1650”
(All the document provided below are in Russian)
Correspondence and Bulletins with the Estland, Livland and Pskov Civil Governor, the Derpt Ordnungsgericht about the Old Believers and Raskolniky. 14th of May, 1807.
(All the document provided below are in Russian)
Raskolniky and Skoptsy’s Namelists, Bulletins; Correspondence of the Estland, Livland and Kurland Civil Governor about Raskolniky’s Worship Houses. 1807-1821.
(All the document provided below are in Russian)
The Administration Case of Riga Military and Livland, Estland and Kurland Governor-general of the Secret Department, Concerning the Heresy Spread by Peasant Sidor Kutkin in the Varanya Village. The Case had begun in 14th of June, 1841, had finished in 29th of November 1846. (All the document provided below are in Russian)
“Documents on history of the Old Believers of Estonia in XIXth century” (the text preparation and comments by Dubjeva L.V.)
(All the document provided below are in Russian)
The Commission’s Report to Count Suvorov about Russian Settlers Life Organization on the Lake Peipus Shore. 5th of November, 1861.(16116 ERA)
(All the document provided below are in Russian)